The Indian in the Cupboard: 6/17/08 – 11:30pm Tel Aviv, Israel

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

6/17/08 – 11:30pm Tel Aviv, Israel

Today I woke up to a call with the opportunity to go to the beach with some friends in Tel Aviv. Since I just went yesterday I thought I might as well hang out in Ramat Gan today and see what’s going on.

I watched TV for a little and then the phone started ringing in Carmel’s apartment… now usually when I’m in someone else’s house I don’t pick up the phone… so I didn’t. Then it rang again. I ingeniously thought… “maybe it’s Safta!” (my G-ma) and called her on my cell. It was and she still yelled at me for not answering Carmel’s phone haha.

So now I’m moved into Safta’s apartment. I went to town with her and bought some groceries and also went back to use the internet while she slept because she just got back from America… Jetlag. Chilling in the middle of a hallway in the mall I typed away and found out that my package with my Hebrew-English translator is going to have to be sent back to the company and re-sent to Kate, hopefully in time to get it to Israel.

Not such an exciting day. I came home to eat some dinner and watch TV. I talked to my mom about traveling to Jordan to get to India which she wasn’t so excited about. It’s funny because I gave her my blog so she read that we wanted to go in this blog and now is probably reading about her not wanting me to go hahaha.

Anyway I miss Kate a lot and can’t wait for her and my cousins to get here. Also on the 21st Kate’s friend, Ted, is coming in so I get to be a tour guide for a little which should be fun!

Time to write in my not public blog… oooo I bet you all wanna read that huh? Mua hahaha no way!


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