The dinner was absolutely amazing. We went to a Vaqueiro ( which is an all you can eat Kosher Brazilian restaurant. Their specialty is 10 different types of meat which they bring out one at a time. It was so delicious. From the Entrecote to the Pergiot(spring chicken)... everything was so tasty. The staff was also amazing and we wrote them an amazing review at the end of the meal on a laptop that they gave us to use for the review!
Kate got me some really cool stuff for our 2 year. An amazing waterproof Talit bag and Tefillin Cannister with a compass! The set of Chofetz Chaim's lesson a day (he talks about speaking badly about other people and I loved these books back in NY and kept reading them when I visited her at work). As well as a book for both of us to read together which is a letter the Rambam wrote to his son! Really really cool stuff and so useful for this year!
If you want to know what I got her you'll have to read her blog which there should be a link to on this page under my blogs... and if she hasn't written about it yet you should make her because she is a much better writer then I.
There was a cute cat that helped us finish what we didn't eat, an amazing atmosphere and great conversations. Altogether it was a fantastic night and I couldn't imagine it better!
I woke up the next day and went to Tel Aviv with Ari Kafka(Really cool guy...2nd year at Yeshiva), Ilya(my roommate-switched over from another Yeshiva for the year), and Alex(my future roommate- also 2nd year here). We had a fun time avoiding scandelous parts of the Beach, traveling around the city, and guess what I had for lunch... MORE MEAT... lol we went to one of the only really kosher places around where we were... It was chinese. However, when we asked what the menu said she offered us either the grill...or Thai food. Since Thai food was almost twice as expensive for some reason we ended up eating meat... The best part is Ilya had chicken wings and french fries, and bread... at a Chinese restaurant! To his credit he ordered fried rice and they gave him the fries by accident.
Anyway, it was quite a hilarious day. Today I slept in way too long and am achy from all the traveling and working out I did the day before so I'm just being a little lazy for the day. I researched a bunch of stuff online and I'm kinda dissapointed in the news... it's super lame. I'm not even going to talk about what it talked about to save you all the hours of lameness that you will be lame for reading all the lame lamities.
Hope you're all having amazing summers(haha I bet I'm talking to like 3 people)
New Beginnings
9 years ago
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