Kate has been incredibly helpful... both knowing and not knowing that she was doing it. But she really exposed me to the right information either from books, people, her own intuition etc. And as Yeshiva began I started applying everything I knew... from looking for the good in other people, to seeing that there is potential good in every situation, to seeing that every challenge is an opportunity to overcome it and get closer to a larger purpose and goal. A lot of that corny stuff you hear constantly... but instead of hearing it, thinking it, or even meditating on it... I actually started to put it into practice. The results were astounding. I was warm and respectful to others and it changed the entire atmosphere of any room I was in. I started thanking the amazing Rabbis that teach us every day because they could be doing a million other things (These are people who have made successes in their lives before they found Judaism... and some who are just plain dope jews) but instead they are investing their time in a small population of Jewish men to make us more amazing human beings.
I just have been feeling so happy. There's a lot that has to do with G-d but I'll spare the details to keep you all from getting freaked out and thinking I've been brainwashed. Haha you know... someone's parents accused this Yeshiva of brainwashing their son (who is here with me) when he decided to stay for the year. And the Rabbi's reply was 1) Didn't you know I was listed in the phone book under cult leaders and 2) Most peoples brains probably need to be washed.
The second part is for sure true. I think the core of the happiness I feel now is knowing that I am doing the exact thing that I am supposed to be doing. I thought long and hard and then talked to Kate about what exactly I wanted out of life... and what I should do in life. Still not completely sure... but my plan to be a real estate agent is definitely not my destiny.
The second part is for sure true. I think the core of the happiness I feel now is knowing that I am doing the exact thing that I am supposed to be doing. I thought long and hard and then talked to Kate about what exactly I wanted out of life... and what I should do in life. Still not completely sure... but my plan to be a real estate agent is definitely not my destiny.
So I hope I freaked you all out a little bit.
Anyway this Yeshiva is amazing. The things that these Rabbis have stored in their minds... I can't even comprehend it. But as my friend Alex says... They're all "Jewels". Every class we learn something really True about life. And it's just so so much fun. Also the people that are here with me are people who gave up all kinds of amazing things for Yeshiva... from pro-baseball, to big jobs on wall street.... Others include professional musicians, people who've dedicated their lives to teaching others, and geniuses of all shapes and sizes. It's just really amazing to be around them.
Anyway Shabbat was awesome and I'm so excited to be starting off this year. And I love Kate and you should all tell her how amazing she is. And I love life... tell it how amazing it is too. And G-d if you believe in him :)
1 comment:
Hey Omri,
Keep up the blogging! I am living vicariously through you.
Karen and I miss hanging out with you and we hope you are well. Yes, we are reading your blog, although commenting is another story.
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