Wow so this past weekend was pretty awesome. I think one thing I haven't written enough about is... Kate! She is what we call in Yeshiva... "The dopest of the dope" or "The Princess of Awesomeness". I am having an amazing time here and it's all thanks to her! If she hadn't pushed the possibility of taking the year in Israel, it would have never happened. And if she hadn't made me be logical about what yeshiva was, I probably would never have given it much thought. It's been really awesome and I'm so excited for the rest of the year.
So this weekend Rob Schlissel, Myself, Yoni Ganger, Ezra and Shira went to Rabbi Stein's home. He is an amazing man and has a beautiful wife and family. (She makes some really delicious food as well). Rabbi Stein was the valedictorian of Wharton, went into film in Hollywood and then got smicha. He has some unbelievable stories. They took us in for all 3 meals of Shabbat! I had an amazing time playing set and definitions... but I should have slept more haha.
I got a brand new bike from this woman online and Kate helped me bring it home. And tomorrow we're waking up very early to go to the Moshav again and eat fruit off trees and hike and swim etc. etc. I'm so excited. Rabbi Siglers entire family of 11 are coming... yes eleven! And they are all a lot of fun! And some of the older guys from the Yeshiva are coming.
Speaking of the older guys, a second guy got engaged. His name is Itai(I have no idea how to spell it) but he is sephardi and really cool. And Jews have something really cool called a Vort (meaning word or speech) where the groom to be speaks and other people speak about the couple. They are awesome and deliciously festive.
Todays my moms bday! She sends me the cutest emails that I would share if that wasn't really weird to do. But I got to talk to my mom and dad on skype which is much more fun than a phone.
Anyway I gtg to bed so I can wake up and do some traveling. Hope all is well with my readers.
New Beginnings
9 years ago
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