Wow so I'm sorry I've been so bad about updating this thing. Today is a fast day so I have lots of time to write. First of all I just uploaded a bunch of pictures of the place we stayed up north and the hike we went on so check that out here:
I'm going to try and sum up everything else that's gone on since the last time I wrote but no chance it'll be in order.
So Kate and I spent some time with Rabbi Abramov for a second Fri night in a row and it was amazing once again. I read the male part of his and his wife's book "Two Halves of a Whole" which was an extremely great and concise lesson on how to be a good Jewish husband(or any husband really...) He has two daughters right now that are both pregnant and waiting to give birth! They were both at the second Shabbat with us. He also has another daughter who helps him and his wife with everything as well as a really cool son who is studying currently. It was truly inspiring to be in their home and see how healthy they all are. It was the experiences I've had like this that made me start asking questions about Jewish ethics... because when followed correctly they create the healthiest family environments I've every seen. And the most surprising thing is that, contrary to common belief, all of the laws that seem to control women are really liberating for them within their communities. It is something you can't believe until you see it. Men respect their wives in a way you don't see in every day life.
Anyway enough preaching I'm sure some of you aren't so interested in Jewish married life. So anyway I spent this whole week really working on Talmud study and I was so happy because at the end of the week I sat down with what we've learned and I can read the Aramaic and translate it to english without a dictionary! So much work but its paying off faster than I imagined.
Also I went to an insanely amazing wine tasting with Isaac the other night, thanks to Jen Keys, and saw probably every Jew I know thats in Israel. Literally, we ran into someone almost every 10 minutes. The list includes(sorry if I don't put you down) Jen Keys, Rob Schlissel and his friend Alex who went to Discovery with Kate and I, Rachel FS, Naomi from Israel Amplified, Dave Stollman(a speaker for Greek life across the country), girls from USY i didn't remember the names of, and even Michelle (the singer from that 10 ways to use matzah video or whatever). There were a bunch more but I can't remember so well cuz it was a wine tasting which gets to my next point. For under $20, 36 wine companies and other assorted cheese/olive/cracker/etc vendors were at the Israel museum. It was outdoors with music and unlimited wine tasting. AND almost every wine was kosher. SOOOO AMAZING.
I also went to Tel Aviv this weekend and got to see my Safta, Ophir and his sister Karen and her husband Brent. As well as a bunch of other family. They took me out to an amazing kebab dinner with so much delicious food. I had steak and spring chicken kabab... DELICIOUS. We also went out to an ELAL party... yes all the flight attendants were partying it up at one of the fanciest things I've ever seen. But really the best time was just hanging out talking with my cousins and Brent. They're so awesome! And they read this so now they know it!
Oh on Friday the Yeshiva went on a 15 mile bike ride... on and off-road. Pretty awesome until the 13th mile or so. We were all dieing. But at least they are keeping us in shape.
So today is the fast day that I always heard about but never actually practiced because... well no one else did. It's not so bad though because the fast starting at 5 am so I could eat last night. And it finishes very soon... that's why I'm writing... cuz you can use computers on this holiday and I need to not think about the awesome food that Ricky cooked for us that is waiting downstairs right now.
I got to spend some time with Kate and her friends on her JEC trip which seems like it's a lot of fun. Rabbi Sigler has been amazing to Kate and I btw. He's my Rabbi for this program and he invited us over for Shabbat lunch the other weekend even though he barely ever has girls over. He also has sat down with me to help me with any difficulties I've had with the program before I even have a chance to complain. Let's just say he is an awesome dude.
I'm getting to spend a lot of time with Kate too, just walking around and talking and spending some quality time together. She's so awesome. If any of you ever talk to her you have to tell her how awesome she is. It's really ridiculous.
Anyways I ought to go pray and eat. WOOHOO Judaism is fun. LOOK AT MY PICTURES
New Beginnings
9 years ago
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