The Indian in the Cupboard: 11-16-08 Chillin in Yeshiva

Sunday, November 16, 2008

11-16-08 Chillin in Yeshiva

What up homiez,

   Life has been pretty normal recently.  I had a really crazy incident with my credit card.  I've alloted myself 200 a month of spending money for travel, food, gifts for shabbat families, personal needs, cell phone etc.  At the beginning of being here I was spending a lot and so I tried to cut down and this month the goal was not to break 200!  So I checked my bill and it was 199.85!  I totally didn't even plan that and it includes some of the wine that I bought and am selling so I've actually done really well this month!  So awesome.

   I just saw my Uncle(Yecheskel or exekiel however you spell that in either language haha) and his mother and My Aunt(Ora) and my grandmother.  They were so nice and trying to just give and give to me.  It was too much haha, they sent me home with all kinds of fruit and goodies.  It was amazing enough that they drove all the way into my town to pick me up and drop me off and take me to lunch!  So awesome.  I have the best family.  

   Kate and I are talking about coming home a little early but we're not sure what's going to end up happening.  We'll probably start figuring thought out in the next month.

I've watched a lot of movies while working out... and I'm in the best shape I've ever been in in my life.  All I needed was some motivation haha.

I gtg to class but hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Omri,

Karen and I wanted to tell you to have a great Thanksgiving...

We spoke to Ora and she raved about that addictive Ruggalach (sp?) you forced us to eat.

Hope you are well...and please give our best to Kate.

Brent and Karen