First off, Yoni was thanking the special people who have helped him be where he is and have helped Malka and him and have made real differences in their lives. He thanked Kate! I had no idea that was coming. I knew she was helping out but Kate has actually been calling Malka and forcing help on her to make sure that, while she was pregnant, everything went smoothly. What an angel :)
On top of that Yoni gave a beatiful D'var Torah (speach based on something from the Torah), as his father and a few really amazing Rabbis. One of the most amazing things was that Yoni's grandfather, father, himself and his newborn son were all in the room. The last Rabbi to speak, who I can't remember his name, spoke about how the Bris (covenant) that G-d made with Abraham (haha sorry if that sounds super religious) was to make the Jewish people last forever and the Torah last forever... that there would be Egypt and the Holocaust, and the Torah would be banned and burned, but it would never dissapear. And he said most beautifully, that in the room was proof that after 3700+ years we have 4 generations who are going to live and study because of that covenant... hence the "bris".
Also Yoni's grandmother passed away just recently and had been so excited about the baby being born. When I heard this it sounded devastating... I can't imagine passing away just before being able to see my great grandchild come into the world. But what boggled my mind was when Yoni's father was talking about how his mother passed away and how happy she must be right now and how she's prolly even "running the show" from where she is. I feel like a death in the family can cause so much darkness to flow over even a new baby, but it was so nice to see people who know that there isn't any true "bad" in the world no matter how bad it seems. haha again I'm getting religious, but I guess that's your problem cuz it's my blog... so stop telling me what to do HAHA
Anyway I also have to tell you about Sukkot. So usually you build a shack outside and have a meal or two in it... maybe stop by the mitzvah bus that chabad drives around and shake the lulav and etrog. So what I didn't know is that when the Torah says "you should dwell" in these shacks... it actually means to eat and sleep and do basically as much as possible in them. So about 25 guys in the Yeshiva packed into our Shack and slept the first night. There's actually a few other sukkahs now so there's some more room but that first night was wild. Plus for some reason... probably because there were a lot of l'chaims at dinner... there was some intense pillow fightage... And I thought I was with all these mature finance and artistic types... BUT you can be 30 and still enjoy a pillow fight! haha
I'm having an amazing time. This is the last of the holidays and it ends with a huge party for 2 days next week. I'm excited and I'll try and keep you all up to date.
O and last night we went to a concert in Beit Shemesh... really fun. They had sukkahs for us to eat in and a huge mechitzah separating the crowd to men and women. So amazingly hilariously awesome. Kate and I had a great time although we didn't get to see my cousins who were supposed to meet up with us. And getting home was interesting because the busses stopped running at 10:30... anyway...
gots to go read some truth
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