So it's almost Yom Kippur! So much to tell you all... and I guess I've got a lot of time. I have to dip in the Mikvah(ritual bath... haha don't get freaked out) and go do Kaparos... which is the most interesting thing I've learned... aka it's really weird. Kaparot (or os for the ashkenaz) is where we transfer our judgement of death to another entity. Aka we swing a rooster or money around our heads and then schecht(kill for food) it or donate it to get rid of any negative judgements G-d may give us this year.
So there's thousands of roosters lining the streets and it's crazy in town here. But they do donate the meat for poor families so don't be worried! And I'm going to do it with money so don't send PETA after me.
So we had Rosh Hashanah already and this week has been the week of asking for forgiveness! I learned a lot about it. One of the stories about the cleansing place before heaven(for Jews Gehenom... sort of like hell but it's only a place to become pure so you can go to heaven) is that all the people you respect (teachers, parents and g-parents, rabbis, etc) will be sitting in front of you and ask you speak there is a movie behind you playing all of the bad things you did. So that sounds pretty horrible right? Well this week we have the chance to go back and erase parts of the tape. Theres a process of regretting, verbally admiting(to the person if its to a person), and resolving to never do it again. And then it's erased!
Immediately after learning... actually while I was learning, I started jotting down all the times I've done something and I've regretted it and really wouldn't want it to be on the tape. And later that day I got in touch, however I could, with the people I've wronged. I have to say it was extremely gratifying. I don't know if its normal but as much as a person forgives me or I regret something... I always have flashbacks in my head when I think about these types of things and they make me cringe... Luckily nothing was all that horrible... But I've never felt as rid of them as I do now... I actually feel like I deserve to have them erased from the tapes. SO THANK YOU to all those who forgave me! And if I didn't ask and I wronged you I'm sorry!
So basically I was paid by G-d to advertise repentence... it does a body good.
This week Kate took me to the wedding of Alexandra and Ronen which blew me away. First of all the couple was so perfect and happy and funny. Their wedding was gorgeous... and I can't help mentioning it but they had fireworks... yes the big ones high up in the air... timed perfectly when he stepped on the glass. It was so awesome and the food was delicious and Kate got to help Alexandra during the wedding (which is a huge mitzvah, good deed, to help a bride on her wedding day). I had a lot of fun.
One weird thing was the hotel room we stayed in. Kate and I were in two separate rooms, so don't worry if you're reading this it's not scandelous. But it's very weird because it was the first time we've had to deal with that type of situation. There was also fruit in the hotel... actually this all gets complicated but let's just say becoming observant is hilarious! And don't worry... when I come back to America I'll still hang out with you even if I am wearing a fur hat and caftan haha(I wish but that's not even possible cuz I'm not a chassid)
What a weird blog. It's a crazy day. Tonight will be the beginning of a fast which officially starts off the new year with all our judgements and everything. I'm hoping G-d gave me a dope salary, maybe a macbook pro and a suzy talks a lot.
By the way, if you're reading this and you're a friend from home who isn't in touch with me outside of my blog... stop it and email me.
Ok I have to go write in my secret blog... HAHA i bet you wish you could see that... psht